Artami will compete with existing NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, Jpgstore, and SuperRare. These marketplaces provide a platform for users to buy, sell, and trade NFTs and allow creators to mint and sell their own NFTs. However, Artami differentiates itself by providing a platform that allows users to convert their NFTs into physical artworks, participate in auctions, and trade their NFTs on the secondary market. Additionally, the platform provides a secure and transparent way to track the provenance and ownership of the artworks using blockchain technology, allows creators to set royalties on their NFTs, and track the display of physical artworks in different venues like museums and galleries.

Artami will also face competition from traditional art marketplaces such as Sotheby's, Christie's, and Phillips, which have begun experimenting with NFTs and blockchain technology. However, Artami will target a different audience, and provide a more comprehensive solution for NFT collectors and artists.

The platform will also face competition from other companies working on converting NFTs into physical artworks, such as Art Blocks. However, Artami differentiates itself by providing a platform that allows users to participate in auctions and trade their NFTs on the secondary market. It also allows creators to set royalties on their NFTs.

In summary, while Artami will face competition from existing NFT marketplaces and traditional art marketplaces, the platform will differentiate itself by providing a comprehensive solution for NFT collectors and artists, and by making it easy for users

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